COROS 星級運動員專訪:媽媽級精英跑手Eszter Csillag 將跑步融入生活

December 07 2023

COROS 星級運動員專訪:媽媽級精英跑手Eszter Csillag  將跑步融入生活
COROS 星級運動員專訪:媽媽級精英跑手Eszter Csillag 將跑步融入生活

COROS HK 榮幸宣布,Eszter Csillag即將加入成為COROS 星級運動員!Eszter Csillag來自匈牙利,她從2015年起定居香港,並於同年開始參加越野跑。她現時不單止是越野跑手,更是兩個孩子的媽媽,她一直堅持跑步,更積極參與各大越野賽事,她是去年 UTMB 比賽中名列前茅的女性選手,早前以17:09:20 成績完成100英里 (約160公里)的美國 Western States 100,並奪得季軍。

今次邀得Eszter Csillag跟我們進行一個簡單訪問,讓她跟大家分享一些賽事前後的心路歷程、訓練心得。

(以下問答內容,以E代表Eszter Csillag)

As an experienced runner, you have participated in various major races. Which race is the most memorable among all of them?

E:我最難忘的是在 2023年的Western States 100賽事中奪得第三名那一刻。還有其他賽事都對我跑步生涯非常重要,讓我一步步前進。而Western States 100賽事對於我接下來的賽事都相當重要。

(Photo credit: IG@Eszter Csillag)



The most memorable for sure, would be the Western States in 2023, when I got third that was for me such a beautiful moment. There were other races I had such a great race that were very important in my running career to do my next step and next step and next step. So while I think its important to do western states is the one most relevant.


On the other hand I think, previous performances and results I achieved the other steps to help me get there and each race had its own challenge so on a personal level I think of how those challenges and how they took me I connect to the results that I achieved at the different races.


Here I can say the UTMB from 2022 which was my first UTMB and that I placed 5 th really my first 100 miles and then 2.5 months later was World mountain and Trail running championship was 20km I placed 4 and it was nice to do well in 2 very different races in a short period of time.


Q2:你分別在路跑和越野跑賽事中都得到PB佳績(鹿特丹馬拉松:2小時45分鐘及Western States 100季軍:17小時09分鐘), 這兩個成績都非常優秀。您會如何比較馬拉松和越野超馬的滿足感?當您跨越終點線時,哪一個你最享受?

You achieved your personal best on the road (Rotterdam marathon 2hr45mins) and trail (Western State 3rd overall women), both are really amazing. How will you compare running satisfaction from road marathon and trail ultra marathon ? Which one you enjoy most when you cross the finish line?

E:參加鹿特丹馬拉松是為Western States 100賽事前準備,Western States 100是非常講求跑速和節奏,而馬拉松的經驗有一定的幫助。當我需要準備馬拉松的時候還身處德國,因此只進行了少量的路跑訓練,主要著重山跑訓練。我很慶幸自己由2022年起參加馬拉松,為我跑步生涯建立基礎,並於今年取得PB成績,我亦從中發現到兩者間的連繫和重要性。我很開心見到如此的成績,這讓我更有動力繼續參加下一場比賽。

The Rotterdam was a preparation for western states which is so much about running and speed so it was important that the marathon helped me to prepare for that. While I was preparing for the marathon I never really left Germany. So I got a few road running sessions which were preparation for the marathon but the trail remained the main focus. I’m very glad I started running marathons in 2022 which gave me basic experience and helped me to get PB this year and see both are connected both races are important and I’m so happy to see the results and achievements I connect to run another.


People in Hong Kong have a busy lifes, how do you plan your weekly training routine to keep your training motivated and completed?

E:我會自律地依據教練給我的每周訓練課表進行訓練,但是都有一定彈性。每日只有24小時,我只會專注於當日必需要完成的任務,盡量避免被環境影響,因為綜觀全局反而更難推展每件事的進程。 另外,香港是一個很好的練習場,推動你提升自己。就算有疲倦想休息的時候,只要懂得調整心態,就會養成良好的生活習慣。

(Photo credit: IG@Eszter Csillag)

I have a weekly schedule that I receive from my coach and I’m disciplined but I am also flexible but in the day 24 hour window I focus on the things I have to do and try not to see the big picture because often it doesn’t have to get things moving so I just get done the things I want to do in the day. That is the thing that allows me to do so many things. The things I do is flexible and that allows me to do so many things on the other hand Hong Kong is a great place where actually your performance is like I require to get to the next level so sometimes I feel like I want to have a break from that but on the other hand I think it’s a very good thing to live with if you can handle it in a good way.


Preparation is key for any successful event or race. Could you share some insights or tips on how you mentally and physically prepare for your major events?


I see the physical and mental preparation are very important for focus. At one point the mental point becomes so important. The physical part is just showing up and doing it every day and doing the work out and sometimes it can be a lot but doing it from a day to day basis it leads to some good performances on a long race. For the mental part I face every race differently because I’m changing all the time we are all changing all the time so it’s what myself in that moment needs and the specifics of a race and I like to work on the mental side already during the training so it’s not just for the race itself but for the training it’s a time when I can train also the mental part.

I like to have quotes or mantras. I like to break it down into segments that I have for different parts of the longer race. I like to use symbols I think that words are very powerful so I kind of use them quite a lot.

(Photo credit: IG@Eszter Csillag)


What advice would you share to other mothers who would like to kick start to run ultramarathon but may feel overwhelmed or unsure of where to start?




(Photo credit: IG@Eszter Csillag)

For mothers I can only say that in ultra running is like being a mother. You are navigating through everyday challenges and its never ending. Always there is a new challenge that pops up every day. If you are already a mother, you have a lot of skills you need for ultra running. The most important is you have a structure around you have space and time to compete.

Also racing doesn’t have to boring sometimes it’s about being there and participating and experience of being out in nature and the road is what really matters and the experience that enriches your life and makes you a happy person so I think of running, life and being a mother in a really holistic way. And I feel that some of the  mothers who can be.

I think for mothers to be very happy it’s also important to have their hobbies and to do their physical activity so running can be a very good thing to do its very flexible you can do it any time and any where. Ultra running is just really tempting to people for mothers.


Hong Kong has a lot of beautiful outdoor running routes, which one is your favorite and why?


(Photo credit: IG@Eszter Csillag)

Yes Hong Kong is so beautiful it’s so full of beautiful trails and its very difficult to pick one. Usually I find a trial that is specific to the upcoming race so I have been training a lot in Lantau. I found that’s a beautiful getaway from the busy Hong Kong because you can be going to places you don’t see people and can see the beautiful nature and the sea and the islands around you and the small villages I think Lantau is a really special place and I really love running there.


You have been racing competitively for a lot of years already, what is the biggest challenge you ever encountered ? And how you overcome it at the end ?

E:對我來說,最大的困難莫過於DNF(Did Not Finish),這是非常不好受的,我很難接受這種挫折,久久未能釋懷。這應該是我從越野跑中學到的最重要的教訓。雖然是難以面對的,但教練跟我說需要面對失敗,消化,談論並接受,只有這樣做,我才可以進步,從挫折中學習。


(Photo credit: IG@Eszter Csillag)

For me the biggest challenge is probably the DNF’s ( Did Not Finish) which are never nice, I swallow them very difficult. It gets stuck. It’s very important probably the most important learning which I have from trail running. They are extremely difficult to face. My coach says I need to face them, I need to digest them I need to speak about them, I need to accept them and embrace them by doing so I can get to the next level I can learn from it. So to be very honest this year I DNF at UTMB I had two months which was quite difficult. I also kept showing up with my trainings every though they were difficult. I’m just very grateful I had the perseverance to show up and do the job and enjoy it again. Now I can get even bigger value to running as before.


After using your COROS Apex 2 a moment of time, what function/features you like the most?

E:我手上正用著COROS Apex,我很欣賞手錶的可塑性,可以隨意改變。另外,它能顯示出我運動時的心率變化,可以讓我了解自己當刻狀態,好讓我能調整節奏。我亦很喜歡這粉紅色調,讓我可以在艱苦的越野跑過程中能擁有一點帶有女性特質又不太孩子氣的裝備。

(Photo credit: FB@Camille Herron)

Coros apex I like that every single thing is so flexible I can change everything and its flexibility is amazing. The other thing that I can monitor the numbers with the heart rate while I’m running which is very good. It’s good to know I am and where I want to be or don’t want to be. That is very good. I really like the pink colour its very pretty and I think in trail running which is a tough sport it’s nice to have something that is feminine but not in a girly way so I really like the colour.


Coros can collect a lot of running data during your training, what running data you find the most useful to help you analysis and improve your training?


The data that I’m really looking at is usually the heart rate and the speed , the elevation, the distance, the time overall this is the data I’m looking at on a daily basis. Then based on the consultation with my coach I will look at other data. I think for me its more interesting in a certain period of time instead of on a daily basis as a race predictor. Resting time I find always interesting.


What is your major target in 2024?

E:在2024年,對我來說最重要的賽事就是Western States 100和UTMB。

In 2024 my A1 race is going to be western states and UTMB
