Athlete Training Plans

January 05 2024


  • 6-Week Beginner Base Plan

    A 6-week plan designed for newer runners looking to build a base through run/walk intervals. The 6 weeks will be made up of walk/runs, running, and bodyweight strength training. This plan will take users through a gradual progression of training and help them to feel comfortable running farther and for longer periods of time. After the 6 weeks of following this plan, you will have the ability to follow a run specific plan if you prefer.

  • 6-Week Beginner/Intermediate Base Plan

    A 6-week designed to help guide runners who are looking to build a base or return to running. The plan is made up of time-based runs, power walks, and strength training. This plan will take users through a gradual progression of training and help them to feel comfortable running farther and for longer periods of time. Workouts can be moved around in your training calendar as needed. After the 6 weeks of following this plan, you will have the ability to follow a run specific plan if you prefer. Have fun with it and remember to take it one workout at a time!

  • 12-Week Beginner Half-Marathon Training Plan

    This 12-week half-marathon plan focuses on building volume for a potential first half-marathon. Runners should be prepared to run 5x/week from 15-30 miles. You will find some short bursts of higher-intensity as an introduction, but most of the sessions should be focused on getting comfortable running for longer distances. All workouts are based on HR for an optimal perception of your own intensity. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us via and we will be happy to answer any training question you may have.

  • 12-Week Intermediate Half-Marathon Training Plan

    This 12-week half-marathon plan focuses on building volume through aerobic and tempo runs. Runners should be prepared to run 5x/week from 15-30 miles. You will find some short bursts of higher-intensity, tempo intervals, and longer aerobic runs. All workouts are based on HR for an optimal perception of your own intensity. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us via and we will be happy to answer any training question you may have.

  • 12-Week Advanced Half-Marathon Training Plan

    This 12-week half-marathon plan focuses on improving your half-marathon pace and comfort at higher intensities. Runners should be prepared to run 6x/week from 20-45 miles. You will find some short bursts of higher-intensity, tempo/threshold intervals, and longer aerobic runs. All workouts are based on HR for an optimal perception of your own intensity. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us via and we will be happy to answer any training question you may have.

  • 20-Week Beginner Marathon Training Plan

    This 20-week heart rate based plan focuses on building volume for a first marathon at the end of the plan. Runners should be prepared to run 5x/week from 15 to 45 miles. Thursday and Sunday workouts are the specific marathon sessions, but feel free to switch them around based on your schedule. Because the plan is based on your Threshold HR Zones, we encourage you to complete a Running Fitness Test at the beginning to ensure you are training in the right zones. Do not hesitate to reach out to us via for feedback and insights on your training journey!

  • 20-Week Intermediate Marathon Training Plan

    This 20-week heart rate based plan focuses on building volume as well as improving threshold intensity before a marathon at the end of the plan. Runners should be prepared to run 5x/week from 15 to 45 miles. Thursday and Sunday workouts are the specific higher-intensity sessions, but feel free to switch them around based on your schedule. Because the plan is based on your Threshold HR Zones, we encourage you to complete a Running Fitness Test at the beginning to ensure you are training in the right zones. Do not hesitate to reach out to us via for feedback and insights on your training journey!

  • 20-Week Advanced Marathon Training Plan

    This 20-week heart rate based plan focuses on improving your threshold pace through high-intensity workouts and high volume. Runners should be prepared to run 6x/week from 20 to 60 miles. Tuesday and Friday workouts are the specific higher-intensity sessions, but feel free to switch them around based on your schedule. Because the plan is based on your Threshold HR Zones, we encourage you to complete a Running Fitness Test at the beginning to ensure you are training in the right zones. Do not hesitate to reach out to us via for feedback and insights on your training journey!

  • 16-Week Beginner Marathon Training Plan

    This 16-week heart rate based plan focuses on building volume for a first marathon at the end of the plan. Runners should be prepared to run 5x/week from 15 to 45 miles. Wednesday and Sunday workouts are the specific marathon sessions, but feel free to switch them around based on your schedule. Because the plan is based on your Threshold HR Zones, we encourage you to complete a Running Fitness Test at the beginning to ensure you are training in the right zones. Do not hesitate to reach out to us via for feedback and insights on your training journey!

  • 16-Week Intermediate Marathon Training Plan

    This 16-week heart rate based plan focuses on building volume as well as improving threshold intensity before a marathon at the end of the plan. Runners should be prepared to run 5x/week from 15 to 45 miles. Wednesday and Sunday workouts are the specific higher-intensity sessions, but feel free to switch them around based on your schedule. Because the plan is based on your Threshold HR Zones, we encourage you to complete a Running Fitness Test at the beginning to ensure you are training in the right zones. Do not hesitate to reach out to us via for feedback and insights on your training journey!

  • 16-Week Advanced Marathon Training Plan

    This 16-week heart rate based plan focuses on improving your threshold pace through high-intensity workouts and high volume. Runners should be prepared to run 6x/week from 20 to 60 miles. Tuesday and Friday workouts are the specific higher-intensity sessions, but feel free to switch them around based on your schedule. Because the plan is based on your Threshold HR Zones, we encourage you to complete a Running Fitness Test at the beginning to ensure you are training in the right zones. Do not hesitate to reach out to us via for feedback and insights on your training journey!

  • 10-Week Half-Marathon Mountain Training Plan

    This 10-week trail running plan focuses on improving your aerobic base as well as being able to recovery at higher intensity on trails. The key workouts of this plan occur on Wednesday and Sunday. Runners should have access to hilly terrain for an optimal progression and be able to run at least 5x/week for up to a total weekly training time of 8 hours. Do not hesitate to reach out to us via for feedback and insights on your training journey!

  • 10-Week 50k Mountain Training Plan

    This 10-week trail running plan focuses on improving your effort pace threshold as well as increasing your time on feet prior to the 50k ultra. The key workouts of this plan occur on Thursday and Sunday. Runners should have access to hilly terrain for an optimal progression and be able to run at least 5x/week for up to a total weekly training time of 11 hours. Do not hesitate to reach out to us via for feedback and insights on your training journey!

  • 12-week Intermediate Mountain Training Plan

    Kilian Jornet's 12-week Intermediate plan is designed to help athletes develop their stamina, and ability to perform over longer distanced. With a mix of intensity, long aerobic runs, and a focus on elevation, athletes targeting their trail events or rolling terrain courses will prepare accordingly for their goals.

  • 12-Week Advanced Mountain Training Plan

    Kilian Jornet's 12-week Advanced plan is designed to build athlete's stamina, and ability to perform over longer durations. With a mix of intensity, long aerobic runs, and a focus on elevation, athletes targeting their trail events or rolling terrain courses will prepare accordingly for their goals. There are multiple long days in this plan of 4+ hours, so it is best for those looking to target longer/ultra events.

  • 5k Beginner Training Plan

    This 6-week training plan is for users who wish to begin running with a safe and progressive training plan towards a first 5km. No previous experience is needed in order to begin this plan. This plan includes 3 sessions per week with a focus on cadence and breathing. For assistance, send us an email at and we will be happy to assist you through the process!

  • 10k Beginner Training Plan

    This 6-week training plan is for users who wish to begin running with a safe and progressive training plan towards a first 10km. No previous experience is needed in order to begin this plan, but be aware that weekly volume varies from 15 to 30km. It includes 3 sessions per week with a focus on cadence, breathing, form, and an introduction to higher intensity. For assistance, send us an email at and we will be happy to assist you through the process!

  • 12-Week 100K Ultra Training Plan

    For athletes looking to start this training plan, we recommend they have at least 70 Base Fitness and average above 30 miles/week running. If you are not at this level yet, please follow one of our other training plans to reach this point. This plan is designed to build athletes fitness over the course of 12 weeks and have them ready to run a 100k ultra-marathon. This plan includes strength and run sessions to ensure athletes have the muscular endurance required. The first 4 weeks aim to build a good base around easy intensity runs. Weeks 5-8 get more specific to the race by introducing Effort Pace workouts. Find your ft/mile ratio of elevation gain for the race and aim to replicate this ratio in your runs. Weeks 9-10 are maximal volume before tapering on weeks 11-12.

  • 2:45-3:00 12-Week Marathon Plan

    This is an aggressive training plan that starts athletes in the 30-40 mile/week range and builds up towards 60 miles/week. Workouts consist of mid-week interval sessions, base volume, and marathon specific paced long runs. Athletes starting this program should have a base volume of 30-40 miles a week. Athletes will build awareness of 6:18-6:52/mile pace which will have them running a sub 3 hour marathon.

  • 3:15-3:35 12-Week Marathon Plan

    This training plan is designed to build athletes volume up towards 50 miles/week while preparing them to run a 3:15-3:35 marathon. Athletes will complete a mix of threshold intervals mid-week, aerobic endurance base miles for volume, and marathon specific workouts to dial in their pacing. Athletes should have a foundation of 30-40 miles/week before starting this plan.

  • 4:00-4:30 12-Week Marathon Plan

    This plan starts at 26 miles/week and builds up to 40/week before your taper into the marathon. The majority of this plan has athletes running at their aerobic endurance heart rate, or specific marathon pacing for a 4:00-4:30 marathon finish (9:09-10:17/mile pace). Athletes should be able to run 25-30 miles/week before starting this program. As athletes progress through the training plan, they should utilize the marathon specific workouts to gain a realistic expectation of race day. If you're able to perform all specific workouts below 9:09/mile pace, then perhaps a sub 4 marathon is in your future. If you're struggling to hold 10:17/mile pace, then perhaps above 4:30 is more realistic. Feel free to adjust the specific days as needed, while leaving the aerobic endurance days in place!

  • 12-Week Molly Seidel Marathon Plan

    This plan is designed to showcase key workouts Molly Seidel uses to prepare for her marathon races. Along with key workouts provided by Molly's Coach, Jonathon Green, this plan will also ensure athletes build the proper volume necessary to run a marathon to their potential. If you're looking to train like the pro's, this is a great plan to guide you every step of the way. For a more individualized approach, please visit and reach out to Coach Green for assistance!

  • 6-Week Mountain Running Training Plan

    6-week mountain running training designed to increase your ability to sustain higher intensities on hilly and technical terrain. This plan focuses on longer days out at low/moderate intensities. It contains a 2-block buildup without taper time, but highly specific to a wide variety of mountain projects. Athletes should be prepared for 6 running days up to 80km (50miles) weekly. Access to hilly terrain is mandatory.

  • Beginner Marathon Plan

    This training plan is designed for the individual starting a new training block and looking to run their first marathon! Perhaps you ran a 10k, or 1/2 marathon in the past and want to jump up in distance. This plan starts at 13 miles/week and builds up to 50 miles/week by week 18. Designed to build in a safe and efficient manner, athletes can rest easy knowing they will be on track to run 26.2 miles after the 20 weeks. If you are currently above the training volume of the first few weeks, maintain your currently volume until you reach the point where the plan has more miles. Simply continue on from there and enjoy the results! Be sure to share your journey with us and let us know how your training is going! #exploreperfection

  • 12-Week 100 Mile Ultra Training Plan

    For athletes looking to start this training plan, we recommend they have at least 80 Base Fitness and average above 40 miles/week running. If you are not at this level yet, please follow one of our other training plans to reach this point. This plan is designed to build athletes fitness over the course of 12 weeks and have them ready to run a 100 mile ultra-marathon. The plan consists of strength and running to ensure athletes have the muscular strength and endurance required. Key workouts each week are the long runs on the weekends. If you need to shift your schedule around that is fine, but focus on the long days and building your aerobic endurance!

  • 10-Week Return to Running Training Plan

    The goal of this training plan is to help guide users to a return to running. This plan will be comprised of walks, walk/runs, and running. This plan will take users through a gradual progression of training and help them return to steady running after 10 weeks of training. Be sure to start at your own pace and comfort level. Training days can be shifted around in your calendar as needed. This plan is designed to help you fit training back into your lifestyle. After the 10 weeks of following this plan, you will have the ability to follow a run specific plan if you prefer. Be sure to keep this fun and within the parameters prescribed. The best way to reach the goal of 10 weeks is through consistency and manageable training. You got this! Enjoy the journey!

  • 8-Week Off-Season Training Plan

    This plan is designed to keep athletes moving through the off-season. We will incorporate 15-25miles/week of running along with cross-training activities. Athletes can mix in any cross-training activity where "cycling" is labeled. The overall goal will be to have athletes healthy and motivated when they reach their next training season. Be sure to keep things relatively easy during this portion of the year. This is meant to help you recover while staying fit.

  • 8 Week Threshold Development

    The goal of this training plan is to increase time at threshold and VO2 throughout the weeks. Weekly volume will stay relatively consistent with only an increase in intensity serving to create change. Athletes should be prepared for 5-6 days/week running with 25-40 miles/week volume. Emphasis each week will be on key threshold or VO2 sets. Base runs are meant to maintain volume and help athletes recover. Do not over exceed easy run paces. At the end of these 8 weeks, please perform a 5k test. If your threshold pace changed, you should see new zones and be able to re-apply this training plan if more threshold work is desired.

  • 12 Week Run Speed Development

    This plan is designed for runners with a weekly base mileage of 25-40 miles (40-65km). Throughout this plan, the weekly volume will stay around 25-30 miles each week. Runners are allowed to add more base volume as needed, but focus should remain on speed workouts. Due to the nature of training for run speed, it is recommended that athletes take extra recovery days if their legs are sore of fatigued from prior workouts. By the end of these 12 weeks, runners should see an increase in their threshold, v02, and running efficiency. Performing a 5k, 10k, or half marathon following this plan should result in faster times.

  • 50k Trail Run Training Plan

    This training plan starts at 25 miles/week and builds to 60+ miles by the end. The first 10 weeks of this plan are designed to build athletes aerobic endurance. The final 10 weeks are specific to trail running demands and meant to peak fitness before competition. Due to all trail events being different, it is recommended that athletes run trails or in conditions that will mimic race day. This plan will ensure your fitness is ready, but individuals should seek out vertical gain or elements to help maximize their readiness. As always, if a runner needs additional days off, please take them. Key days in this plan are Wednesdays and the weekends. You should make those your top priority. Enjoy!

  • Beginner Sprint Distance Triathlon Plan

    A 12-week plan designed to help users complete a 800 meter swim, 12.4 mile bike, and 3.1 mile run. This plan will utilize heart rate training to ensure proper and efficient training. Athletes should understand basic swimming technique before beginning. Athletes should also be able to train 4-5 times a week for 30-45 minutes a day prior to starting this plan.

  • 12 Week Half Marathon HR Plan

    This plan is designed for both beginners and intermediate runners. Runners should be comfortable running 4 times per week and have a weekly volume of 10-15 miles. The plan will utilize heart rate zones to ensure proper and efficient training. By the end of the plan, the user will be running 30 miles per week and will have increased their aerobic endurance and ability to sustain tempo efforts.

  • Beginner Runner Base Plan (Imperial)

    A 10-week plan designed for a beginner to intermediate runner, building up to 30 miles per week. Assuming pace is maintained throughout the week, the longer runs are intended to naturally feel harder than other days, which is expected. This plan is in imperial.

  • 12 Week 5000m Training Plan (Metric)

    A 12-week plan created by US Olympian Kim Conley. Runners should be prepared to run 6-7 times a week. Saturday is a rest day, but can run up to 60 minuts if needed. This plan is in metric.

  • Beginner Runner Base Plan (Metric)

    A 10-week plan designed for a beginner to intermediate runner, building up to 30 miles per week. Assuming pace is maintained throughout the week, the longer runs are intended to naturally feel harder than other days, which is expected. This plan is in metric.

  • Sub-3:15 Marathon

    An 8-week plan designed for 3:30 marathon runners with high aerobic endurance to run a sub 3:15 marathon. Runners should be prepared to run 5-6 days a week.

  • Sub-25 5K

    A 14-week plan designed for runners who want to run a 5k in 25 minutes. Runners should be prepared to run 5 days a week.

  • Competitive 10K

    A 12-week plan designed for competitive runners to train for 10K races. Runners should be prepared to run between 30-40 miles per week.

  • Half Marathon

    A 15-week plan designed for competitive runners to train for a half marathon. Runners should be prepared to run between 55-70 miles per week.

  • Marathon

    A 12-week plan designed for runners who want to reach their peak form for marathon. If you have been running fewer than 30 miles per week, you should follow the base training plan for building up to 30 miles per week.The primary focus of this plan is to improve your lactate pace through tempo, lactate intervals, and long progression runs. Secondary priorities include increasing long runs and overall mileage.